Retail Shop in Shop
Customized Retail Solutions
The Crown Jewel of Retail Display
The shop-in-shop-solution (SIS) typically includes the largest variety of display components from lighted showcases and fixtures to diverse display stands and product packaging. The SIS has to display your product in attractive surroundings. It lets customers have a look at the product and sometimes even touch and try it. That is how the SIS becomes a very effective sales platform.
There is a fierce competition for the display space in most outlets. An exciting SIS with a selection of beautiful products and a clear brand narrative will help you push competitors off the floor.
Every time you are looking to place your SIS at a retailer’s store, you will have to negotiate with the retailer concerning how much space your SIS can take up. Consequently, a very important feature is scalability. The design of the SIS must take into account the varying spaces the Shop-in-Shop will have to take up in the different outlets. Can you scale it from one or two m2 in one outlet to 20 m 2 in another? The SIS has to look good and do its job in whatever environment it is confined.
Compliance with regulations on all levels from the local to the international is another factor that Sourzing can assist you with as your strategic partner.
Above all the SIS must perform the most important task of tempting your target audience, moving your goods and engraving your brand in the mind of customers.
Ole Mikkelsen
Partner & COO
+ 45 22 36 00 05